Can we hear phase changes and small delays in the bass range, caused by misaligned subwoofers or room acoustics? Let us find out. This controlled experiment shows the facts about group delay.
Continue reading “Audibility of group delay at low frequencies”
What do the examples from the article Bass og lydkvalitet – 4 eksempler show about bass and sound quality. Here is a discourse on the subject bass and sound.
Continue reading “Bass and Sound Quality – Discourse”
What should you focus on and how does different calibration settings affect sound, including description of music samples for evaluation.
Continue reading “Calibrating a bass-system”
Occasionally I am questioned for which processor and amplifier solutions can be used, especially in regard to crossover and bass system integration. Some have asked whether an ordinary AV-receiver or AV-processor can be used for this, they do have bass-management and necessary adjustment.
Continue reading “AV-processor/receiver as pre/processor”
Only in Norwegian language.
Only in Norwegian language.
What is best to use as platform to place subwoofers and speakers on? Aftermarket products promise better sound and less vibration based on different principles and design. Does it work for its intended purpose, or is this another hifi myth. Analysis of the effect on a V110 subwoofer reveals the facts. Continue reading “Myth or fact: Vibration damping platforms for loudspeakers”
Only available in norwegian language. I may translate this article later, ask for it.
What are relevant and useful specifications for a subwoofer.
Continue reading “Specifications for subwoofers”